Why are the dimensions so important?

Knowing the dimension you now are allows you to know the goals, the mechanisms and the laws of that dimension. That’s the fastest way to developing your consciousness.

When I started my self-studies on Jungian Psychology, by Carl Jung, I could barely discern between two basic paths: building the ego e following the Soul (Self, in Jungian words).

I was still contaminated by the (ignorant) line of thought of the holistic world - that you should destroy you ego. As a consequence, I believed that those who were building a strong ego were inferior or delayed in their development and those who were following the Soul were superior or advanced. I was full of prejudice, typical of a beginner.

As I progressed in my studies, I realized two things in Carl Jung’s thought. 1: Only people with strong egos have the ability to follow the Soul. 2: People who follow the Soul have even stronger and more developed egos.

When I realized the immense importance of the ego - ego is consciousness - I stopped trying to destroy it and understood that “building a strong ego” and “following the Soul” are both valid psychological structures.

Being able to see clearly and without prejudice the difference between these structures helped me to realize that the laws, the mechanisms and the goals of these structures are 100% different, usually opposite.

When I read The origins and history of consciousness, by Erich Neumann, I understood that there were psychological structures that came even before the process of “building a strong ego”. Realizing that there were more than two types of psychological structures made me see that, in fact, there are many.

In 2008, I noticed a type of psychological structure and of dreams that was not described in any of Carl Jung’s or the Jungian’s books I had read.

A careful observation of this phenomenon throughout the years and many tests lead me to the discovery of a psychological structure beyond the most advanced structures depicted by Jung. The first post-Jungian Psychology was born. Ten years later, I published the book Paradigma do Sentido - um guia para a consciência da quinta dimensão (Paradigm of Sense - a guide to the consciousness of the fifth dimension, currently being translated to English), that describes this structure. (Click here to watch a video on the book.)

Many books later, I found out that the inicial stages of the Paradigm of Sense were described by Carl Jung as the very final stages of the process of following the Soul - of integrating the Self, in his words. I started exactly where he finished.

In The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, Carl Jung analyses the chakra system of the Kundalini Yoga, connecting the first four chakras to all the structures described by Jungian Psychology. The usage of the word “chakra”, by Jung, as a synonym for each of the psychological stages inspired me to create the term DIMENSIONS and to use the “numbers” of the chakras to refer to each one of the dimensions - 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D and my creation: 5D.

Admitting that the consciousness development happens in many stages - stages that we can call chakras or dimensions - is of utmost importance.

Given the different goals of each dimension, not to discern among them misleads us and holds development back.

Given the different mechanisms of each dimension, not to discern among them leads to stagnation, since the development process simply doesn’t work.

Given the different laws of each dimension, not to discern among them could lead to reactions of indifference or even wrath coming from the Soul or the Spirit.

Knowing the differences between the dimensions and using them is the fastest way to consciousness development.

Cavalher .