Why I Need Oppression

For a long time, I did not see the oppression inside of me — I was unconscious of it (3D). Nevertheless, unconscious things continue to exist and have effects over our lives. For years, I overworked, until exhaustion, unaware of the reason. One day, I quit pretending that the oppression did not exist. Moreover, I admitted it existed for a reason, for a purpose (4D).

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5D View on the Madness of the New Age Movement

Three main reasons why new ageism has lost contact with the reality: the denial of the ego, the denial of evil and the denial of Transcendence.

Contributions to The Dark Side of Reality, Rebel Wisdom’s conversation between David Fuller, Alex Ebert & Jules Evans. When I watched this video, I was delighted to find clever people with similar views — yes, I am human and don’t want to be all alone.

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New Normal: We are officially wearing masks

We betray ourselves when we submit ourselves to hypernormalization and claim to be normal. In order to accomplish that, we must sever rage from our consciousness. That amputation is absolutely required if someone wants to passively accept the absurd fake narratives that keep our insane world running and support these pseudo-leaders who pretend that they are in control. Submissiveness is normality's cornerstone. — Always remember that violence is a privilege.

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The tragedy of George Floyd’s death, how it exposes our hypocrisy and healing through violence

Our society has sunk in the hypocrisy of denying its own aggressiveness. We declare to stand for non-aggressive civilized conducts. This is a beautiful stance. But the outcome has been that we remain silent in our homes, bending our heads to the normalized absurd statements of our irrational pseudo-leaders and not fighting for what really matters.

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CHANGE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE — The pandemic may lock you down to the past

Underneath [a] thin conscious layer, a whole set of unconscious emotions accumulate. Instead of change, people may unconsciously long for “going back to their normal lives”. […] These unconscious emotions are strong enough to enforce their own will. Among other things, they currently enforce “going back to a normal life”. Given the situation we now face, this is quite dangerous.

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