The relationship with the Transcendence is technical

I’m in favor of you building the strongest ego you can get. But when I’m going to develop a consciousness or do mind hacking, I use ego-free information only, free from your ego’s interference, or mine.

True consciousness development requires accessing the unconscious mind and being sure that all information is coming straight from the Transcendence.

The unconscious mind and the transcendental are usually seen as very abstract things that can only be accessed by great spiritual masters. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I have a twenty-year career dedicated to enabling you to access the unconscious mind and the transcendental, to see for yourself their concrete actions in your life and to interact with them to achieve results.

The contact with the unconscious mind and the Transcendence is technical, and yet, it still is Transcendental and above all human.



However, in order to establish such a contact, one indispensable component is the ego.

I do not accept this idea of destroying or killing the ego religiously preached by the holistic world.

When you remove the holistic nonsense, you find out that ego is consciousness.

The stronger the ego, the stronger consciousness is.

But developing new intelligences and new abilities, developing a 4D consciousness, requires that you follow your Soul. And developing a 5D consciousness requires that you interact with the Spirit.

In order to make that possible, I use techniques that access information about yourself that is ego-free. That’s indispensable.

Without that, I would be solving problems that your ego wants to solve and would develop things your ego wants to develop, instead of doing what the Soul and the Spirit propose.

We would be restricted to the perspective you have today, instead of looking at the infinitely wider horizons of the Soul and the Spirit.

Why would you hire me if you want to keep your perspective?

Something even worse would be us following my opinion, my ego’s opinion, instead of looking at the infinitely wider horizons of the Soul and the Spirit.

You would become a copy, a follower, instead of getting in touch with your True Self, your Soul, the Spirit. 

Therefore, my dearest, I don’t give advice, nor suggestions, nor opinions and I don’t define the best behaviors you should have. My opinion doesn’t count.

What really matters is establishing a direct contact with your Soul, with the Spirit.

In order to access this ego-free information, we need to use techniques that bypass your conscious control, or mine.

As a Consciousness Designer, I use six techniques to observe the unconscious mind. Three of them are indirect observations and the other three are direct observations.



Let’s start with indirect observations. You yourself have been doing these observations every day but not realizing that you were actually seeing the unconscious mind’s actions right before your eyes…

The easiest observation you can do is when you realize that you have been always attracting the same kind of people.

That’s when you realize that you always attract people who steel your ideas, who are excessively critical, oppressive or any other pattern.

With so many people in the world, why are you always attracting the same kind of people?

Another observation is when you realize that a certain kind of situations keeps happening over and over again.

For instance, you realize that every time you earn some money, situations that force you to spend it all come by and you can never save money. Or when you realize that, although you are an excellent professional, you are always the one who loses their job.

With so many possibilities in life, why is the same pattern always happening to you?

The third type of observation is when you realize that you always and automatically behave the same way. This one is a little more difficult because self-observation is a harder thing to do.

 For instance, everything is fine in your relationship, but you can’t help thinking your boyfriend is cheating on you. Or you have strong anxiety crisis every time you are evaluated. 

With so many behaviors available, why do you always behave the same way?

Repetitive patterns are caused by the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is by no means abstract: it causes concrete situations in your life.

Note that you have no control whatsoever over these patterns. Therefore, the information they provide is ego-free.

Why do these patterns happen in your life?

The unconscious does not produce such patterns because of “malfunction”.

The unconscious mins is a kind of intelligence, an intelligence that knows what you don’t know, what is unconscious for you.

The unconscious mind produces such patterns to teach you things.

When we finally understand that these patterns are teachings, we can transform negative patterns into new intelligences, new abilities, high performance, creativity, innovation, unique gifts and higher levels of consciousness.



Now, in order to reach true depth and maximize results, the consciousness design uses techniques that can directly observe the unconscious mind.

The most common one is Astrology. Unfortunately, it is also the one that is most poorly used.

Journalists writing horoscopes for newspapers instead of Astrologists as well as the popular belief about Astrology being a system that classifies people into 12 types of personality only make people discredit Astrology. They are right. 

In fact, a very conservative number – a number that considers planets, star signs and astrological houses only – points out 1.3 quadrillion possibilities.

Look at what Carl Jung, the Creator of the Jungian Psychology has to say about Astrology:

“Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities: a Tibingen professor has switched over to astrology and a course on astrology was given at Cardiff University last year. Astrology is not mere superstition but contains some psychological facts (like theosophy) which are of considerable importance. Astrology has actually nothing to do with the Stars but is the 5000-year-old psychology of antiquity and the Middle Ages.” Carl JUNG. Letters, vol. I, page. 56.

Finally, predictions are the samllest part of Astrology, although I do that too.

In fact, Astrology is the interpretation of a mathematical model of the cosmos.

It describes exactly the mechanisms that determine concrete situations in your life and your company’s dynamics.

It also describes how you can optimize these mechanisms in order to improve and maximize results.

Note that you don’t get to choose your chart, nor the information it contains. Nor do I. Therefore, the information it provides is ego-free.



Another technique used in a consciousness design is the interpretation of dreams. 

People have been interpreting dreams to access the Transcendental throughout the ages. The Bible is full of examples. The most common one is maybe the one about Joseph of Egypt. Joseph’s dreams and his interpretations of the Pharaoh’s dream is in Genesis, chapters 37 and 41.

The Greek Civilization produced the city of Epidaurus, an entire city dedicated to healing through the interpretation of dreams. People would literally sleep, hoping that Asclepius, the sun of the Sun God Apollo, sent them healing dreams.

My self-studies on Nietzsche’s Philosophy were key to achieving a high quality dream interpretation. Nietzsche fully destroyed my moralism and all the prejudice derived of notions of “right and wrong”.

This has freed me from my ego’s narrow perspective and allowed me to see what the dreams really portray.

The interpretation of the meaning of the images that appear in our dreams is based on the Symbols produced by mankind throughout millennia.

Symbols are present in the Mythologies of the many Civilizations of the past. Those who believe that life has no user guide don’t know what Mythology is…

Symbols are also present in Medieval Alchemy.

They are present in the many sacred books of the many religions around the world and in Theology,

They are present in Astrology.

They are present in the more recent works by Carl Jung, the creator of Jungian Psychology, and by Joseph Campbell, a Literature professor. 

I have dedicated myself to self-studies in these fields of knowledge for over 20 years.

The images present in dreams allow you to see for yourself, clearly and precisely, what unconscious patterns are causing concrete situations in your life and your company right now.

They also show what you can do to change the unconscious patterns in order to change the impact the have over your life and your company’s dynamics.

I have worked for 10 years to develop the technique I use to interpret dreams: the Paradigm of Sense, my creation.

Note that you don’t get to choose the images that appear in your dreams. Nor do I. Therefore, this information is ego-free.



If you are a brave guy, you will fall in love for Kinesiology. 

Kinesiology is the gentle evaluation of your arm’s muscle tone to directly access the information present in the multiple layers of your unconscious mind.

Already on the first day, Kinesiology defines the ways you can intervene in order to cause a positive transformation in your life.

Kinesiology can immediately access any kind of information about you or your company.

Note that you don’t get to choose which are your arm’s movements, since they are autonomous reflexes to kinesiology’s tests. Therefore, the information provided is ego-free.


My work is also free from mysticism, something I just hate. The consciousness design is a technique.

Its success does not depend on any kind of belief. It is not about me seeing alone the unconscious mind’s information and telling you about it.

I enable you to see and operate these mechanisms.

Do not believe in any of my words. Test me.

Cavalher .