The unconscious mind is the boss
Most people have a very strong illusion: they feel to be in full control of their lives.
You believe that you think what you want to think, that you make choices, that you make decisions. You believe that you choose the people with whom you want to relate. You believe that you choose the life you want to live.
You are completely wrong.
The unconscious mind strongly determines your thoughts, your choices, your decisions. The unconscious mind attracts the people that will be in your life and builds the situations you are going to go through.
The unconscious mind is the boss.
In the third dimension, we usually claim that we can think whatever we want, control our emotions, make choices in accordance with our desires and act in accordance with our choices.
Can we indeed?
If you are so very free, why are your thoughts and emotions so recurring? Why do you always stand for the same lines of thought, get irritated with the same things and feel jealous in the same situations?
Why do you desire and end up choosing the same things? From your order in the restaurant you always go to the direction you choose for your career?
In the third dimension, we believe we live together with the people we choose and go through the situations we choose.
Do we indeed?
So, why do you always attract the same kind of man and woman? Why do you face the same professional and financial challenges for years?
Let me tell you a secret: the unconscious mind is the boss.
But how does that work?
Let’s use a metaphor: computers.
We see only what happens on the computer’s screen and we can only interact with what is on screen. That is equivalent to consciousness.
But we do not see the app’s code and the algorithms behind the screen, nor the decisions they are making, nor the computers parts, nor the immense work that many developers, designers and of professionals had to make all that work.
We simply use the apps to do what they strictly allow: a text editor allows to write, not to watch movies.
The conscious choice we have is very limited.
Let’s see how this works in the human being.
Everything you are aware of is a part of your consciousness: your thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, choices, behaviors, intuitions. That's the third dimension (3D).
However, just like what happens in the computers, almost everything that happens in our consciousness is determined by the unconscious mind.
Our thoughts, our hearts, our intuitions and our behaviors are determined by unconscious patterns. People around us are attracted by unconscious patterns. Situations that happen to us are built by unconscious patterns. That's the fourth dimension (4D): the backstage of our lives.
The unconscious is full of patterns. And these patterns determine everything.
That’s why things are so repetitive.
That’s why we behave always the same way. That’s why we always attract the same kind of people and the same situations.
Most techniques offered today try to solve that problem on a conscious level, suggesting behaviors the professional believes to be helpful. But any professional's beliefs are just someone's opinions, just someone's ego-based opinions, no matter how good they might be.
Any techniques based on someone's opinion about what behaviors should be adopted are at best good techniques to strengthen the ego. They are not a way to establish a conscious contact with the Soul or the Spirit.
The techniques that try to solve problems on a conscious level don’t work simply because the unconscious pattern, the root of the problem, is still there. It will perhaps work temporarily, for as long you can sustain an artificial change with the limited power of your ego. How many times in your life have you chosen to follow some new dazzling technique that worked marvelously at first just to be abandoned some time later?
The unconscious mind is way stronger than you are.
It lets you play around a little bit, but your energy will soon be depleted, you will get tired of sustaining things in an unnatural way. The unconscious pattern soon takes the control back and the old repetition comes back into your life. How many times have you experienced that?
The unconscious mind is the boss.
If you truly want to liberate yourself from repetitive thoughts and think differently…
If you truly want to liberate yourself from emotions that imprison you and be happier…
If you truly want to liberate yourself from repetitive behaviors and grow as a person or grow more creative and innovative as a professional…
You need to work on an unconscious level to eliminate the unconscious patter that determines all that endless and unbearable repetition.
It’s very rare to find a work that promotes true transformation.
Temporary change - that exists only while you can sustain it, forcing yourself to live in an artificial way - is a very common thing.
True transformation is rarer. True transformation happens when you don't have to struggle continuously to prevent the unconscious pattern to go back to controlling you. True and steady transformation happens when the unconscious pattern is eliminated.
By eliminating repetitive patterns, this long-lasting transformation immediately makes room for the new, for creativity, for innovation.
In the unconscious mind, creativity and innovation are not rare, they’re the common thing.
Although that kind of transformation is already rare, I offer more than that.
Don’t forget that the unconscious mind determines the types of people attracted to your life.
By eliminating unconscious patterns, you stop to always attracting the same kind of people, new relationships come by. They bring new feelings, new ways, new intelligences.
Also don’t forget that the unconscious mind determines the kind of situation that happens in your life.
By eliminating the unconscious patterns, you stop to attract always the same kind of situation, new situations, new paths and new opportunities come by.
More than provoking true transformation in yourself, I can make life change its behavior towards yourself.