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The fifth dimension is a natural stage of consciousness development.
At this stage, you become aware that what you experience as reality is in fact one version of reality among the full spectrum of possibilities you can now perceive.
Choice becomes key. Instead of choosing what to do in the only reality you live in, you can select, among many, which reality you choose to create.
Since your choice will strongly influence how reality unfolds, you must understand which reality makes Sense to you and to those around you.
This text is a beginner’s guide to the development of the consciousness of the fifth dimension. If you are interested in an in-depth description of the fifth-dimensional landscape — based on the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, the Analytical Psychology of Carl Jung, Tibetan Buddhism and Greek Mythology — I recommend my book Paradigm of Sense — a guide to the consciousness of the Fifth Dimension. Link on the right.
Here, you will find the basic concepts of the following topics:
What is the 5th dimension?
What is the unconscious mind? How to access the unconscious mind and how it influences your daily life.
What is the collective unconscious? What are Archetypes?
The Archetype of the Self
The real ego death
Paradoxes and Truth
The Spirit
5D Dreams: Lucid dreams
How to create your own reality
Unus Mundus
In this section, you will learn:
Why the third and fourth dimensions are stages of consciousness development required to achieve the consciousness of the fifth dimension.
What the 3D reality and the 3D consciousness look like.
How to complete the 3D consciousness development.
How and why the fourth dimension becomes available.
What the 4D reality and the 4D consciousness look like
What is the unconscious mind?
Why repetitive situations in your life are rooted in the unconscious mind.
The fifth-dimensional stage of consciousness development naturally and immediately becomes available when a strong consciousness (ego, 3D) and a constant interaction with the unconscious mind (4D) have been built and established. There is no effective short cut in consciousness development.
For most people consciousness development is within the third-dimensional stage.
At this stage, reality is conceived as something “exterior” to yourself, an outer world made of concrete facts, completely detached from the mind. You have limited control over a few facts or events in your immediate life, and no control over the immense majority of those which lie outside, in the greater world. You must deal with whatever happens to you and do your best to succeed.
Succeeding in 3D, in most western societies, traditionally means building some kind of fulfilling life. The most common definition of such life is being professionally and financially successful and having your own family. However, other definitions are equally valid, as long as they produce that feeling of self-realization: achieving academic success or cultural enrichment, training the body for sporting success or working out for personal aesthetic satisfaction, living a full social life with lots of friends or having an intense sexual life. This personal, professional or social success is imperative to each individual to bring the 3D consciousness what it needs to be strong enough, affirmative enough, to feel that it has succeeded in building a fulfilling life.
This is the final goal of the third dimension: self-affirmation.
As soon as the 3D consciousness becomes strong enough, it is defeated by the unconscious mind, the fourth dimension. One of its tactics is creating a problem you cannot solve, despite all your knowledge. All of a sudden, your professional or financial life collapses, an important relationship ends, a health problem is discovered, or some painfully negative emotion grows exponentially and uncontrollably.
No matter how hard you try to solve them, there is no known solution for these problems: the solution is unknown, unconscious. You are forced to seek solutions out of your consciousness’ boundaries.
You could argue that, not knowing the solution for a problem is not evidence of the existence of the unconscious mind. You would be right; that alone is not enough. However, patterns emerge that become undeniable in their recurrence:
You always attract the same kind of person: people who are aggressive, boyfriends who betray, professional colleagues who steal ideas, or envious friends.
You experience the same kind of situation again and again: you spend everything you earn, no matter how much money you make; friends or family who always need support whenever you are ready to move on to the next level, effectively holding you back.
You always have the same kind of behavior against your own will: you are never able to save or invest money, despite having the means to do it, and knowing you should; even what can seem trivial or minor hang-ups begin to grow from a simple niggle into a bigger issue on your life’s progress, such as being are unable to speak to an audience; or you overreact when criticized.
At some point, the repetition becomes as irritating as it is undeniable.
Something even more striking is realizing that these patterns can be traced back to symbolic images present in dreams, which are a direct expression of the unconscious mind. Some extremely simple examples could be:
If you are always betrayed by other people, you could find yourself dreaming of animals you deem treacherous.
If your clients are always late or meetings with them always go past the ending time, your dreams could show you breast-feeding a client.
You could argue that the existence of patterns with unknown causes and symbolic images present in dreams related to such patterns is still not enough evidence of the existence of the unconscious mind. After all, unknown situations with unknown causes are very common in nature and the images present in a dream could be, instead, the consequence of the situations in your life.
However, two phenomena reveal the nature of the relationship between the 3D reality and the unconscious mind:
When you try to change patterns with unknown causes in your life, either you find yourself unable to do it, or you make a huge effort to change it, only to see it change temporarily and then go back to where you started. For example: you go on a diet, lose weight and gain it back some time later.
When you engage in real consciousness development and work with the unconscious mind, the symbolic image present in dreams changes and you see the related pattern in your life change shortly afterwards, never to come back.
The relationship between the patterns and the unconscious mind can be compared to that of the branches and the root of a tree, respectively. If you only cut the branches, they will grow back again, because the root is still there. Only if you remove the roots, the plant will not grow back again.
An example of this second phenomenon could be that you become aware that you have been infantilizing your clients — perhaps because you are unconsciously needy or afraid of losing them. Becoming conscious of this, you will notice that you no longer dream of breast-feeding them or anything alike, and your meetings with them will begin to start and end on time. Also, clients unable to change their behavior in response to your new awareness will be replaced by others.
Trying to change patterns with unconscious causes without addressing these unconscious issues will produce no lasting effect. But, surprisingly, changing the images present in dreams — symbols of dynamics present in the unconscious mind — changes both the images in dreams and the patterns in life. Therefore, the images present in dreams and the unconscious dynamics they symbolize are the cause, and the events in our lives are the consequence, the symptom.
The unconscious mind is the cause of reality itself. It is the backstage of reality, the fourth dimension. From behind the scenes, it is pulling all the strings of your life.
If the events and the facts deemed concrete and completely detached from the mind prove to be, in fact, the consequences of unconscious dynamics, reality can no longer be seen as detached from the mind.
You realize that reality is, in fact, psychological.
When you become aware of the psychological nature of reality and can see the unconscious mind determining situations in your life and you learn to interact with it, you have developed a 4D consciousness.
In this section, you will learn:
What is the personal unconscious mind?
How can the unconscious mind affect your relationships?
How can the unconscious mind affect your career?
How can the unconscious mind affect your financial life?
How to change the way life behaves towards you definitively
How to change your behavior definitively and sustain the change effortlessly
The first stage of the individuation process
In his Analytical Psychology, Carl Jung describes two layers of the unconscious mind: the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.
The personal unconscious is a set of unconscious mechanisms formed mostly by experiences you had in your childhood, particularly with your parents. These experiences become definitions of what life is, therefore repeat and reinforce themselves throughout your life.
Unconscious mechanisms may directly affect your relationships. An example is the well-known tendency to have a partner that is just like a parent. If a parent was constantly angry or aggressive, you may have associated love with aggressiveness. Later in life, you unconsciously attract partners who will have anger issues, engage in constant arguing, or even are actually aggressive. You may end a relationship because of it, only to find out that your next partner has the same kind of behaviors, for at the root of the problem, the unconscious mechanism is still there.
Unconscious mechanisms may also affect your career and financial life. For example, if your parents taught you that “you must always complete all your obligations first and only have fun later”, this becomes a mechanism in your unconscious mind. You are likely to work long hours, always longing for pleasure, but leaving it for later, possibly a later that never comes, or you are always too tired or feel too guilty about it to enjoy. You are also likely to attract situations that force you to work more, against your conscious will: urgent matters at work, clients demanding closer deadlines, bosses expecting more. You attract people who display the characteristics that are unconscious for you: you are convinced you are surrounded by incompetent people who indulge themselves in the pleasure you forbid yourself to have, therefore increasing the level of work you are “forced” to do. Finally, since money is a form of pleasure, your unconscious mechanism will also leave it for later and you find yourself making less money, despite the hours of commitment and hard work. Regardless of how much you try to optimize your schedule, or your relationship with your boss, colleagues and clients, or your financial life, these situations will only disappear if you eliminate the root of the problem: the unconscious mechanism.
If you do not remove the unconscious roots of the problems, you are only able to change your own behavior, and only for as long as you can sustain a continuous and huge effort to resist the powerful influence of the unconscious mind. But life’s behavior — the people and situations you attract — will remain the same.
Learn how to remove the unconscious roots of your problems, and change the behavior of life towards you, as well as and your own, forever.
However, if you do remove the unconscious roots of the problems, the behavior of life towards you changes — the type of people and situations you attract changes — and your own behavior changes definitively and remains that way effortlessly. Your problem is now, at most, a memory.
The journey through the personal unconscious mind is a series of encounters with each one of these unconscious mechanisms that determine the events in the various areas of your life. Every time you destroy one mechanism, you become less determined by past events and closer to your true and present nature. At the same time, your life automatically adjusts itself to perfectly reflect the changes in the configuration of your unconscious mind.
Once you become aligned with your true nature, the journey through the personal unconscious becomes less important and the journey through the collective unconscious occupies the center stage. The foundation of your 4D consciousness has now been established.
In this section, you will learn:
The psychological role of identity
What is the collective unconscious mind?
What is an Archetype?
What are the Jungian Archetypes?
What is the Archetype of the Self?
What is integration?
What is the death of the ego?
How to achieve Wholeness
How to achieve your uniqueness
The second stage of the individuation process
3D consciousness is based on identity. Identity is the current starting point of consciousness development. Your identity is made of characteristics that distinguish you from other people. Having an identity means that you do have some characteristics and skills, and do not have other characteristics and skills. Among all possible characteristics and skills within Wholeness, you have only a few.
The journey through the personal unconscious reveals that your identity’s characteristics and skills are, in fact, consequences of past experiences. Your identity does not define who you are. Why cling to it?
The collective unconscious holds the keys to all the characteristics and skills you do not yet have. If you integrate the characteristics-and-skills-you-do-not-yet-have to the characteristics-and-skills-you-already-have (identity), you become One with Wholeness. This integration process is the assimilation of the 4D consciousness.
The interaction with the collective unconscious mind reveals that the characteristics and skills that you do not yet have are, in fact, characteristics and skills you are still unconscious of. But, most importantly, you realize that these characteristics and skills are already present in your psyche, in your unconscious mind. Interacting with the collective unconscious mind leads to developing these potentials: new characteristics, new types of intelligence and new skills.
The collective unconscious mind is the realm of the psychological experiences all of us undergo. All of us experience the Mother — any kind of mother, or even the absence of a mother. All of us experience Evil — at least some kind of evil. All of us experience God — any kind of God, even if that God is Individualism or Money.
Each one of these psychological experiences that we all undergo is an Archetype.
The importance of these Archetypes has been understood and previously visualized throughout mankind’s history through the Gods and Goddesses of the many mythologies and religions around the world, more of which I will demonstrate later in this text.
Carl Jung defined approximately nine Archetypes, as follows:
Divine Child
Wise man/Wise woman
Through intense and meaningful dreams and events in your life, the collective unconscious mind actively presents you with the characteristics and skills you are still unconscious of. The unconscious mind must make the first move to reveal them to you: since you are unconscious of the very existence of these characteristics, you simply wouldn’t know what to look for.
The Shadow is the key Archetype that actively develops the characteristics you are still unconscious of. Since they are obscure, they tend to be seen as frightening and evil.
The Mother Archetype actively develops the ability to love and to nurture.
The Father Archetype actively develops the ability to know and to work.
The Hero Archetype actively develops consciousness and the ability to conquer.
These are a few examples among a myriad of others.
In the Paradigm of Sense, Transcendence is intrinsic to the Human Being. Everything that is beyond the stage of development achieved by consciousness — therefore, still unconscious — transcends consciousness.
Consciousness, however, develops itself, learning a previously unconscious content, integrating this content to itself. Before integration, this content transcended consciousness; after integration, it is no longer transcendent, being at this point integrated to consciousness. Nevertheless, regardless of the extent of the consciousness development and integration, the number of unconscious contents to be integrated remains infinite. Therefore, regardless of the extent of the consciousness development and integration, Transcendence remains infinite. Transcendence is always beyond consciousness.
Encompassing everything that is still unconscious and everything that is already conscious (previously unconscious), Transcendence is the Wholeness of the Human Being. Since Transcendence is Wholeness, it must include Creation — therefore the creation of new elements — otherwise Creation would be missing from Totality. So, paradoxically, Transcendence is an Expanding Wholeness.
Note, however, that, in the Paradigm of Sense, Transcendence is NOT something external to the Human Being, Nature or the Universe, NOT a metaphysical force or being outside the human mind, possibly exerting power over the human mind.
The Archetype of the Self is unique. It is the Center of the total psyche and actively develops a conscious relationship with Transcendence — simply, it is Transcendence (see definition on the right). It continuously points the direction in which you must follow to transcend your current conscious state, towards wider and more complex conscious configurations. Ultimately, it orchestrates consciousness development.
For example, a physician strongly based her identity on her professional knowledge and skills. Very intellectual, she limited her life to studying and working. The Archetype of the Self then pointed a direction: she dreamt that there was a corpse in the morgue, and some of its parts were missing and had to be found. — The archetypal resemblance with the myth of the Egyptian Goddess Isis having to find the lost parts of the body of the God Osiris, her husband, was astounding. — With time, she realized her body was largely unconscious for her. She practiced no physical exercise, engaged in no pleasant activities and had no sexual life. Above all, fully dedicated to abstract knowledge, she lacked experiences which would ultimately constitute an embodied story of her life.
Being itself Transcendence, the Archetype of the Self has God-like attributes. It is autonomous. It selects which Archetype is going to be presented and integrated to consciousness, when and through which dreams and events in your life it will happen. Also, it is able to enforce it, even against your conscious will, by causing unescapable life situations.
By presenting you all the Archetypes, as well as their characteristics and skills, one after the other, the Archetype of the Self completes your consciousness.
In a final move, the Archetype of the Self presents itself to you, revealing to be the Archetype of the Totality. When you realize all possible human characteristics and skills are available to you, you integrate the Self. In this integration of the Self, you have achieved Wholeness.
At the same time, you realize that you are not necessarily any of these characteristics, therefore your sense of identity is utterly destroyed — this is the real death of the ego.
Access your uniqueness now
And yet, consciousness is still present, aware of itself: your uniqueness immediately reveals itself.
At this point, your 4D consciousness reaches its peak and the fourth dimension is completed, although, paradoxically, remaining infinite.
The access to the fifth dimension immediately opens.
From this point on, this text describes the pneumatic reality, the fifth-dimensional landscape equivalent to the psychological reality of the fourth dimension.
In this section, you will learn:
More about the real ego death: the destruction of identity
What is balance
The transition from the fourth to the fifth dimension is the real death of the ego.
You are utterly incapable of causing or navigating the death of the ego — only the Self, the Transcendental Force within you, is capable of doing that.
Therefore, the holistic, new age or any other belief system preaching that you should kill your ego yourself is nonsense.
The Archetype of the Self kills your ego through an invariably painful and uncontrollable event in your life which destroys your identity — this time, not only an area of your life is destroyed, but the whole of your identity, and the whole life trajectory defined by it. Again, anything can happen: the destruction of your career or financial life, the destruction of an important relationship, disease, death, a pandemic even. It needs to be painful because the death of the ego requires the complete frustration of its will and such a thing cannot happen in a state of safe satisfaction with life, or through your choosing.
This image is present in the many Mythologies around the world: the drinking-blood Dakinis of Tibetan Buddhism; Shiva or Khali wearing a necklace of skulls, in Hinduism; the Crucifixion of Christ in Christianity.
Note that these images do not show some New Age preached choice of killing the ego, decided during a comfortable weekend workshop, but, instead, a psychologically excruciating experience of loss, capable of causing a profound and definitive change in your psyche.
These images symbolize what is happening at this point: the identity (ego) has been destroyed. You are no longer bound to nor defined by any characteristic of personality, because all characteristics and skills are available.
Remember: each characteristic available is rooted in one Archetype. All characteristics are available; therefore all Archetypes are available to your 4D consciousness.
Since all Archetypes are equally available to consciousness, let us imagine that they are equidistant from you, who are in the center. The Archetypes are in Balance. This is the final goal of the fourth dimension: the Paradigm of Balance.
Prior to this state of balance, the Self, the Archetype of Totality, would be constantly leaning towards and pointing to the direction of missing characteristics and skills, and their source, the unconscious archetypes.
Now, all Archetypes are in Balance. Archetypes are infinite, therefore can be infinitely integrated, never becoming fully known by consciousness. Nevertheless, your 4D consciousness has at least become acquainted with every one of them and become whole. Therefore, at this stage, you have had at least a good taste of all characteristics and skills, and the Archetypes are equally unknown (since they are infinite) and equally known (since you have had a taste) — nothing is missing. Therefore, there is no direction to point towards.
The 4D Self retreats and no longer enforces a direction to follow. You feel abandoned and lost. At the same time, you are free.
The 5D Self, the Spirit, immediately moves you to the fifth dimension: the Paradigm of Sense has begun.
In this section, you will learn:
Paradoxes: the difference between duality and unity
In our 3D world, everything is based on duality and polarities — either, or. You are either a man, or a woman. You are either on the left or on the right. You are either a spiritual or a materialistic person. You can never be both and beyond. If you declare to be both, you are likely to gain a bad reputation: people will be wary of you, uncertain of where you stand, they may even feel that you are untrustworthy or, not having a defined stance, that you do not have a strong personality.
Balance (4D) makes way for a multi-paradoxical reality. All characteristics are available. This means that opposite characteristics and skills are equally available at the same time.
You can have both the opposite characteristics and be beyond them at the same time — that’s a paradox.
[…] a paradox is the simultaneous co-existence of two valid and opposed truths.
CAVALHER. Paradigm of Sense. Paradox. Page 69.
This means that your thoughts, feelings, and, above all, your actions, are good and evil at the same time, masculine and feminine at the same time, spiritual and material at the same time, and so on.
Paradoxes are the minimum level of comprehension of a 5D consciousness.
A 5D consciousness, however, experiences each of these pairs not as pairs, but as unified singular things. A 5D consciousness is not concerned about its thoughts and feelings being right or wrong, nor does it worry about being simultaneously right and wrong; it only focuses on unified truths about itself. Above all, a 5D consciousness does not see its actions as right or wrong, nor as simultaneously right and wrong; it just does things. — The same rationale can be used for any pair of characteristics and skills.
Most importantly, a 5D consciousness knows that all thoughts, feelings and actions can be seen in all perspectives, therefore all of them can be perceived as good, evil, masculine, feminine, spiritual, material, and so on.
In this section, you will learn:
The integration of the Self
The fifth dimension in the context of the Analytical Psychology of Carl Jung, Gnosticism and Christianity.
What is the Holy Spirit?
What is the pneumatic reality?
The psychological function of symbols and the pneumatic function of Truths
What is the Unus Mundus?
In order to better understand the pneumatic reality, let’s see how it relates to other systems: Analytical Psychology (Carl Jung), and its view of the Kundalini Yoga, Alchemy, Gnosticism and Christianism.
The fifth dimension is the stage of consciousness development that naturally occurs after you complete the individuation process described by Carl Jung in his Analytical Psychology. Analyzing the Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, Jung says that:
[…] people are still identical with maṇipūra [the third cakra, 3D].
JUNG, C. G. (1996) The psychology of Kundalini Yoga. Lecture II. Bollingen Series XCIX. Princeton University Press. p. 36.
Also, talking about the fourth cakra (4D), anāhata, Jung declares that in this level:
[…] you discover the Self; you begin to individuate. So, in anāhata individuation begins.
JUNG, C. G. (1996) The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga. Lecture II. Bollingen Series XCIX. Princeton University Press. p. 39.
From Carl Jung’s perspective, most people are 3D, the individuation process, therefore most of his own Analytical Psychology, is 4D. However, he points to the following reality:
So if one speaks of viśuddha [the fifth cakra], it is of course with a certain hesitation. […] For in viśuddha we reach beyond our actual conception of the world.
JUNG, C. G. (1996) The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga. Lecture II. Bollingen Series XCIX. Princeton University Press. p. 55.
Jung describes the goal of the individuation process as the achievement of the conjunction of opposites (coniunctio oppositorum). The first conjunction of opposites is called unio mentalis and is described as the moment in which the unconscious mind defeats the strong 3D consciousness, as I have described above. The 3D consciousness is forced to acknowledge the existence of the unconscious mind and becomes a 4D consciousness. Nevertheless, the true goal of the individuation process is the second conjunction of opposites, when the multi-paradoxical reality (4D) is fully achieved, and the Self is integrated to consciousness.
However, Jung mentions a third conjunction of opposites:
The production of the lapis was the goal of alchemy in general. Dorn was a significant exception, because for him this denoted only the completion of the second stage of conjunction […] For him the third and highest degree of conjunction was the union of the whole man with the unus mundus.
JUNG, C. G. Mysterium Coniunctionis. Op. Cit. §413.
Unus mundus is the climax of the fifth dimension.
Jung also shows that Gnosticism also points to this important distinction:
In Gnostic typology ἄνθρωπος ψυχικὀς [ánthropos psychicós], ‘psychic man’, is inferior to the πνευματικός [pneumátikos], ‘spiritual man’, […]
JUNG, C. G. (1977) The archetypes and the collective unconscious. Translated by Hull, R. F. C. CW IX, part 1. Bollingen Series XX. Princeton University Press. §55.
The pneumatic reality is the fifth-dimensional landscape equivalent to the psychological reality of the fourth dimension. These terms come from the Greek. Psychological refers to the Soul: psyché. Pneumatic refers to the Spirit: pneûma.
Throughout his work, Jung uses Christ and his life as Archetypal symbols for the individuation process. The Cross, with its opposite arms, is the symbol of the second conjunction of opposites, in the center of which hangs the individuated being.
Nonetheless, Crucifixion is not the end of the story. Christ resurrects and announces the coming of the Holy Spirit:
Unless I go, the Paraclete [Holy Spirit] will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. […] I am going to the Father and you will see me no more; […] However, when the Spirit of Truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth.
The New Jerusalem Bible. John 16:5-13.
The resurrected Christ and the Holy Spirit are perfect symbols for the 5D consciousness and the 5D Self.
Now that the pneumatic reality of the fifth dimension has been put into context, let us go back a few steps and explore how the psychological reality naturally becomes the pneumatic reality.
The climax of the fourth dimension is the multi-paradoxical reality. The many paradoxes present at this point are crucial for the formation of the pneumatic reality.
During your journey through the fourth dimension, your 4D consciousness was confronted with and forced to integrate the many Archetypes present in the unconscious mind, expanding its awareness and developing an entirely new set of characteristics and skills. Roughly speaking, you have developed the awareness, the characteristics and the skills of all our main roles in life: a mother, a father, a woman, a man, a child, a wise woman or man, a hero, an evil enemy, an actor and transcendence itself.
Each one of the integrated Archetypes is now accessible to consciousness. That does not mean that you have exhausted the Archetypes — remember, they are infinite — but whatever information and energies emanating from the Archetypes are easily acknowledged and acted out.
In the last instant of the fourth dimension, the Self, the Archetype of Totality, is integrated. Being Transcendence itself — therefore infinity itself, always moving beyond itself — the Self also cannot be exhausted. Integrating the Self, among a myriad of things, means to be totally opened to the Totality, ready to embrace whatever energy coming from the unconscious mind. You are not Omniscient, but you are open to it. In Christ’s words: “The Father and I are One.”
The 4D consciousness paradoxically coincides with the unconscious mind.
The consequences that follow are astounding.
Changing your behavior as a consequence of integrating contents of the unconscious mind is a known and accepted idea. However, as we have previously seen, the situations in our lives are rooted in unconscious patterns. When you integrate these patterns, by becoming conscious of them, the events determined by them simply cease to exist.
Moreover, the modification caused by the integration of unconscious patterns changes the overall organization of the unconscious mind, in the same way that changes in the traffic control of key streets and avenues would change the entire traffic flow. So, every time consciousness expands itself, the unconscious mind reorganizes itself and its new configuration will determine and allow the emergence of completely new events. Altogether, previously recurring events cease to happen, and new events and opportunities emerge.
Therefore, the integration of unconscious patterns changes the behavior of life towards you.
The inner world paradoxically coincides with the outer world.
The idea of projection is also known and accepted. When you are unconscious of a given characteristic or skill you have, you attract many people who have that characteristic or skill as important traits of their personality. Then, your attention will be strongly and inevitably driven towards those people, and you will exaggerate the intensity and importance of their characteristic, or skill, often in a negative way.
When you integrate that unconscious characteristic, either those people will distance themselves from you or they will change their behavior, for no apparent reason.
Since people have at least some level of free will and you are not forcing them to change their behavior, but only changing your psychological organization, we must admit that people are changing their behavior because they want to. Therefore, people are changing their behavior because you changed your psychological organization and, paradoxically, they are changing their behavior because they freely want to do so, at the precise same time.
You paradoxically coincide with other people.
For example, a CEO complained that his employees were continuously making silly but consequential mistakes, jeopardizing the company’s projects and causing huge revenue losses. He dreamt that his father was receiving a reward at a renowned Ivy League College. Through this image, the dream shows that he perceived his intelligence as inferior, when compared to his genius father. The CEO spent his life pursuing a superior intelligence, unconsciously trying to match that of his father. He had accomplished it by becoming the CEO of a big company.
However, the unconscious mind had other plans for him. Intelligence is but an element within the infinitude of the Wholeness, and it was consuming all the CEO’s concerns, efforts and life. The value of not knowing — learning, having other perspectives, and the role of collective intelligence and its effects on creativity and innovation — was lacking in his consciousness. His psychological configuration coincided with other people: the many employees around him were making silly mistakes.
Through his dream, he could now directly access his unconscious mind and understand the meaning of the events in his company, which were rooted on his own unconscious patterns.
After some time working on developing consciousness about that fact and taking technical action, he had another dream: the CEO of another company had managed to gain a huge investment right after the pandemic had started, and the market was threatened with uncertainty.
The Image in the unconscious mind changed. Now, another competent CEO emerged next to him.
Other events paradoxically coincided with this: his employees changed from making silly mistakes to presenting feasible innovative ideas.
Life changed its behavior towards him: another company proposed him a partnership that would make a huge database and artificial intelligence tools available. Imagine what happened to the company’s innovation, productivity and revenue levels.
Bear in mind that Archetypes are infinite. Each time you integrate an Archetype, by becoming conscious of it, the Archetype reconfigures itself and brings forth its new form to be integrated. The same thing can be said about the Archetype of the Self. However, Archetypes are Transcendental Forces that cannot be controlled by humans.
“[…] the experience of the self is almost impossible to practically distinguish from the experience of ‘what has always been referred to as God’”.
RAFF, J. (2000) Jung and the alchemical imagination. Chapter 1: “Jung as a spiritual tradition”. “The self”. JUNG Florida: Nicolas-Hays, Inc. (Kobo eBook version). Quoting Carl JUNG in Mysterium coniunctionis. CW XIV/1 §220.
Therefore, the Archetype of the Self is changing Its behavior autonomously, due to Its Omnipotence, and, paradoxically, it is changing at the precise same time you are changing your behavior. In this particular case, the Archetype of the Self changes its behavior at the same time that you have completed a very long series of changes in behavior: the fourth dimension.
The change in the behavior of the Self, the Archetype of Totality, is massive: it changes the paradigm.
This idea is present in Christianity: Christ’s consciousness achieves Wholeness in Crucifixion and at the same time God/Goddess changes His/Her behavior to the point that the God/Goddess present in the New Testament is constantly in direct contradiction with the God/Goddess present in the Old Testament.
You paradoxically coincide with the Self, the Transcendence.
Such is the multi-paradoxical reality of the apogee of the fourth dimension: paradoxically, your 4D consciousness coincides with the unconscious mind and the Self; all opposite psychological characteristics coincide; the inner world coincides with the outer world, and you coincide with all other people. This is an astounding simultaneity of events.
When this level of paradox is reached, it becomes unity.
Unity is the key characteristic of the 5D landscape of the pneumatic reality. Unity is the nature of the Spirit.
Until the last instant of the fourth dimension, such unity is impossible, because the paradoxes that constitute it are still being formed and formulated. Until that last instant, consciousness has some level of duality, being somehow split, therefore unable to grasp the totality of the psychological reality.
The unconscious mind (4D) uses the symbols (4D) present in dreams, synchronicities, patterns of people present in our lives and patterns of events happening in our lives to integrate both sides of that duality — what is conscious and what is unconscious to us about the various elements of reality — into unity.
Symbol: from the Greek σύν (with, together) + βαλλεῖν (throw): throw together. Literally, it is a symbol, a sign or a proof (in general a coin), where one half was compared to the other to verify authenticity.
PEREIRA, I. (1990) [Translated from the Portuguese version: Dicionário Grego-Português e Português-Grego. São Paulo: Apostolado da Imprensa Martins Fontes.]
Let’s go back to a previous example. If you are unconscious of your anger, you are unable to consciously feel anger and take action that expresses your anger. Symbols will appear to overcome that duality — the separation between your consciousness and your anger — towards unity: a consciousness that is simultaneously (paradoxically) peaceful and aggressive. You will dream of violent situations and aggressive people. You will attract aggressive people onto whom you can project your anger. You could find yourself involved in dangerous or violent situations. It will get progressively worse until the unconscious mind forces you to become aggressive, even if it has to force you to lose control and be shocked by your own behavior. But in the end, you will see that anger is a part of you and become conscious of it. At this point, unity between peace and aggressiveness will have been reached. The cycle will rotate until each and every pair of psychological characteristics and skills have been integrated and become a paradoxical unity.
Since all dimensions are eternal, symbols will continue to operate forever.
However, at the climax of 4D, the multi-paradoxical reality emerges and becomes the unity of 5D. From then on, your 5D consciousness can also access truths.
4D Symbols point toward a psychological reality you do not yet know, a reality that is unconscious for you. You can’t see that reality directly. So, symbols literally symbolize it. You need to interpret the symbols in order to try to understand that unknown reality.
In the pneumatic reality (5D), consciousness paradoxically coincides with the unconscious mind. You no longer resist the unconscious mind. So, the Spirit (5D Self) does not need to use symbols: it shows you truths, it shows you what is.
In 4D, the inner world (psychological reality) is still separated from the outer world (3D physical reality). The 4D Self (Soul) uses symbols to bridge that distance.
In the pneumatic reality (5D), the inner and the outer world paradoxically coincide. So, the Spirit (5D Self) shows you truths, simultaneously psychological and physical. The images in 5D dreams are simultaneously symbolic and physical. “Physical” events and “physical” people in our “ordinary” lives are simultaneously symbolic.
Dreams have become physical. Life has become a continuous dream.
The goal of the third dimension is to develop consciousness in the form of a strong ego. All knowledge acquired through rationality, intuition, physical sensations, feelings, emotions, memories and any other means — should that knowledge be about yourself, other people, situations or any field of knowledge, of any time and space — becomes part of consciousness.
It seems a lot. However, the 3D consciousness is a minuscule portion of the psyche when compared to the infinity of the 4D unconscious mind and the expanding creative infinity of the 5D pneumatic reality.
The vast majority of the things you deem conscious in 3D are, in fact, unconscious. The patterns of events you experience in the 3D world — most of your routine, for example — are the outcome of unconscious patterns repeating automatically, not the product of a freely decided construction. Most of the views you have about other people are the outcome of unconscious projections you make onto them and have very little to do with their reality. Most of the characteristics that constitute your identity are unconsciously forced upon you by the unconscious mind in order to train you to self-affirm. Think again: when did you freely decide to be the way you are, among the many available personality types present in humanity?
Since almost everything you experience in 3D is unconscious, the level of free-will in this dimension is close to zero. After all, you cannot make choices about things that are completely unknown to you.
When your ego is strong enough and has achieved a fulfilling life, the fourth dimension begins. At this stage, you discover that you are unconscious. You are still unconscious, but now you know it.
In 4D, you can see the unconscious inevitably pushing you towards the directions it wants, regardless of your will. In the beginning of 4D, the ego still has a lot of the self-affirming pride it has healthily developed in 3D and will do everything in its power to maintain its identity. It will resist the unconscious mind’s push towards the unknown. You will avoid developing expanded awareness, new characteristics of personality or skills, considered dangerous to the maintenance of your identity. You will avoid changing your views about other people and the world at large. You will hold on to the life you have and the routine you know, are comfortable and satisfied with.
Nonetheless, the infinite power of the unconscious mind always wins over the finite resistance of the ego. Your stances prove to be foolish. You are unbalanced and feel your loss of control and behave in unexpected ways. People prove to be different from your previous views about them. Situations begin to change. — The level of free-will remains close to zero and now you know it.
However, as you move through 4D, you find out that trying to stop the unconscious mind is futile. You realize that following its directions increases your consciousness by developing an expanded awareness, new personality characteristics and skills.
Being complete proves to be better than having a limited identity, and consequently each time your consciousness increases, the level of free-will also increases, because you can only make choices about the things you have mastered.
Despite that, you choose to exercise your free-will only to a minimum extent, because you have discovered that following the unconscious mind’s directions produces consciousness development and a larger ability to live according to your own nature. — The level of free-will tends to zero and you know this is the best for you.
As you approach the end of the fourth dimension, the Archetype of the Self maximizes the power it exerts over your life. Its goal is to completely destroy your life, and, with it, your identity. The Self can choose any means to do that: the destruction of your career or financial life, the end of an important relationship, a disease, death, or as we now know, a pandemic.
Through this final destructive move, the Self forces you to completely surrender and kills your ego. At the last instant of the fourth dimension, the level of free-will is finally zero. Paradoxically, the Self replaces what is left of your limited identity with its own nature: Wholeness.
The 4D Self and your 4D consciousness become One: your 5D consciousness emerges.
Throughout your journey through the fourth dimension, you have experienced each one of the Archetypes and integrated them, by becoming conscious of them. Although Archetypes are infinite, and therefore require infinite integration, paradoxically you have visited and tasted them all, and as a result no longer resist any of them.
Up to this point, the unconscious mind had always been forcing you to move towards the direction of the unknown parts of yourself, in order to complete your consciousness. Now, your consciousness has been completed. All the Archetypes are equally known and equally unknown: Balance has been reached.
At this moment, in the fifth-dimensional landscape of the pneumatic reality, there is no more direction to enforce or point to.
Suddenly, the colossal weight of free-will is total.
CAVALHER. Paradigm of Sense. Free-will. Page 142.
From now on, your 5D consciousness must make choices alone, without any guidance from the 5D Self, the Spirit.
What choices?
In 5D, you must select, among many, which reality you choose to create.
In this section, you will learn:
How to interpret a dream
What is the meaning of dreams?
What do the symbols in dreams mean?
What is the difference between 4D and 5D dreams?
What is a lucid dream?
The 5D process of Draw
How to create your own reality
In the third dimension, all you can see is within the 3D physical reality and the elements of your consciousness which relate to it. Except for dreams and the products of your imagination — usually disregarded — all of your perceptions are within the realm of your five senses.
In the fourth dimension, elements which only exist in the psychological reality become visible. You realize that you have been always attracted to the same kind of people and situations. With time, you realize that your own behavior is repetitive and even when you desperately attempt to change it, you find yourself slipping back into it. The underlying patterns become visible.
However, nowhere else images are more vivid than in dreams. Dreams are more real than reality. You are entirely submerged in their reality and full intensity. You have no objectivity, whatsoever: only the reality of the dream exists.
Perhaps the most striking realization of the fourth dimension is the fact that the images present in dreams not only are symbolically related to your behaviors, and to the kind of people and situations you attract to your life, but also determine them.
First you realize that, despite the fact that images present in dreams have no literal connection to anything in your life, their meaning is directly connected to everything in your life. A slightly simplistic example would be dreaming of a treacherous animal. That does not imply that a literal meeting with such animal will happen, but that you will suddenly find yourself in treacherous situations, dealing with other people’s betrayal or unable to keep your word.
An even more astounding realization is that images present in dreams determine the situations you experience, the people you attract and even your own behaviors. You discover that the use of proper consciousness development techniques changes the images present in dreams and, at the same time, the situations, the people in your life, as well as your own behaviors.
These facts have no causal relationship among them: they have a relationship of meaning. The images present in dreams are not predictions of literal events, but symbols filled with meaning.
A fundamental characteristic of the symbols present in dreams is that their meaning does not only carry information, but also act on yourself and your life — they produce things. More specifically, they move your life towards what is unknown, unconscious, to you.
The dream with the treacherous animal of the example above would most likely only happen to someone who does not yet know why and how to betray, as well as how indispensable this action may be. Since the symbols present in dreams cause events in your life, you could, for example, find yourself in a situation where a professional opportunity you have longed for all your life presents itself, and you must choose between embracing that opportunity and hurting your current business partner or your beloved one, or, on the other hand, lose that opportunity, remain faithful to your partner and betray yourself. You will betray either way because the unconscious mind has decided to integrate betrayal and move you one step closer to Wholeness.
The Archetype of the Self regulates the psychological process, determining through dreams which direction you must follow. After some time in the fourth dimension, the 4D Self will have guided you through all the unknown experiences necessary to complete your consciousness. When you achieve Wholeness, the fourth dimension has been completed.
Your consciousness is now 5D. It paradoxically coincides with the unconscious mind.
Since all the directions have been previously followed and remain accessible to your consciousness, the 5D Self no longer needs to point any direction or enforce it. Instead of pointing one specific direction, the 5D Self, the Spirit, points to all directions at the same time.
Just like the 4D Self — the Soul — creates dreams, so does the 5D Self — the Spirit. However, the characteristics of 4D dreams are very different from those of 5D dreams.
5D dreams do not point to a specific direction, therefore they do not guide you.
Instead, they bring forth images showing opposite scenarios, or even many scenarios with no relationship to one another.
You dream of an animal you deem treacherous. Then you dream of a pyramid being built in the Ancient Egypt. Then, a business transaction in New York. Then, famine in China. Then, children playing in your back yard. Then, an infinite stair in the Cosmos vacuum. You can see no underlying symbolic meaning connecting the many dreams in the 5D series, or any other kind of pattern, like you would certainly find in a 4D series. The 5D dreams are showing unrelated scenarios.
This is not the only difference between those kinds of dreams.
4D dreams will not only point a direction, they will also enforce that direction even against your will.
Along with showing many possible directions, 5D dreams wait until you choose which direction you want to follow.
If you don’t focus your attention on one particular 5D dream, you will continue to see a series of unrelated 5D dreams, night after night. The full spectrum of possibilities unfolds infinitely.
If, instead, you do focus on one dream, you will see that the images present in that 5D dream you chose will unfold. Now, other 5D dreams occur, either continuing the story of the dream you chose, or focusing on different aspects and details of that dream, or offering alternative storylines to that specific theme.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that 5D dreams with scenarios unrelated to the one you chose will still happen — after all, other possibilities remain present alongside your choice — their frequency decreases dramatically.
Altogether, your choice strongly determines the direction that the series of 5D dreams moves towards.
Note how radically different 4D and 5D are: they are rooted in different paradigms. In 4D, dreams have the power to enforce the direction they point to over your choice. In 5D, dreams wait until your choice points the direction they should unfold towards.
In the example of the 5D dreams series above, suppose you have chosen to focus your attention on the scenario “business transaction in New York”. Other scenarios would show up less often and the series of 5D dreams would show images like: events happening at the Fifth Avenue, business meetings, graphs, people in London calling New York, something related to money, friends of yours traveling to the United States and so on.
The importance of your conscious choice is so radical that sometimes the 5D dream itself informs that your choice is being expected.
Consider the following example. A woman was raised by her mother, as her father was absent. During her consciousness development, we worked with many 4D dreams. First, the pain regarding her story was addressed. Then, the skills that were missing due to the lack of a healthy relationship with her father or a father figure were developed: professionalism, self-trust, resilience, and the ability to leave her family’s business and create her own. Then, she had a 5D dream in which a whole new father figure emerged: the pneumatic reality had presented her one possible reality in which she had a father. Suddenly, the dream stopped and informed the dreamer that she was expected to choose the Zodiac Sign of her newly emerged pneumatic father. During a session, she chose Virgo. After that, when the father appeared in dreams, he was clearly related to professional situations, as is common in Virgo people.
The kind of image appearing in 4D dreams and 5D dreams is different. As discussed above, 4D dreams point to realities at least partially, if not entirely, unknown to the dreamer. They are symbolic, because the meaning of symbols is able to not only teach you about unknown things but also move you in the direction it points to.
5D dreams are also symbolic, they also have meaning and can be interpreted. But, despite being dreams, 5D dreams are literal situations, i.e., physical situations — since in the pneumatic reality there is no duality, there is no separation between the “psychological” reality of dreams and the “physical” reality of the awaken part of life. They are unified in one single reality, the One World: Unus Mundus.
In 5D, people experience dreams as concrete situations which are elements of the sequence of situations in their lives. For example, if you have a conversation with someone you know in a 5D dream, you are very likely to see that person change her/his behavior in the following days in a way that is coherent with the conversation in the dream and the decisions that both of you took, regardless of being aware of that conversation in the dream — bear in mind that, paradoxically, that person has some level of free will. Or, after decisions you took inside a 5D dream, you are likely to see the consequences of such decisions in your life in the form of concrete events which are coherent with those decisions.
In the single reality of the Unus Mundus, physical and psychological events are one and the same.
As you may have already guessed, 5D dreams are often lucid dreams, for the dreamer is frequently awaken inside the dream, throughout it, or at least in one portion of it.
Since 4D and 5D dreams are so radically different, 5D dreams have a different name — pneûma — the Greek word for Spirit. (pl. pneumata)
The total sum of existing Images — whether you see them in your dreams or in the awaken part of life — is the Macroimage. Since your 5D consciousness is not omniscient, you know only a portion of the Macroimage.
One thing that is not different between 4D and 5D dreams is their ability to determine reality: the images present in dreams are the building blocks of reality.
[…] the whole Universe is built with Images.
CAVALHER. Paradigm of Sense. Macroimage. Page 245.
Learn how to create your reality
In 4D, however, you cannot choose the reality you want to live in — the unconscious mind enforces its reality over yourself — whereas in 5D you need to select, among the many realities you are able to see in the Macroimage, which reality you choose to create.
The 5D process of knowing a portion of the Macroimage, selecting one or a few Images among the many Images present in it and Creating a fully grown reality out of those images, is called Draw.
In this section, you will learn:
The difference between Sense and meaning
Creativity in the fifth-dimensional landscape
How to make choices in the fifth dimension
At the peak of the fourth dimension — the Paradigm of Balance — all Archetypes are in Balance, paradoxically equally known and unknown. Since there is Balance, the unconscious mind is not trying to compensate anything, therefore it points you in no direction.
Since Transcendence points to no direction, there is no morality (right and wrong) and no ethics (ethical and unethical).
The Archetype of the Self, also the Archetype of Totality, has been totally integrated.
All movement has ceased. If such a state persists, nothing will ever happen again. What could move beyond such high level of integration and harmony?
The 5D pneumatic reality emerges from the multi-paradoxical reality of the peak of the fourth dimension. Balance is still there. There is still no Transcendental direction, no right and wrong, no ethical and unethical — nothing you must do.
Yet there is one new element: choice.
Choice Unbalances and creates movement.
At the beginning of the fifth dimension, for the first time in the human consciousness development, the unconscious mind is not forcing you in any direction. So, for the first time, there is Free-will.
The 5D [consciousness] realises that it can freely choose whatever it wants to experience or do. It is completely alone and should choose alone. At precisely this moment, the colossal weight of freedom falls over it.
CAVALHER. Paradigm of Sense. Sense. Page 167.
What exactly are you choosing?
Up to this point, choice was perceived as the selection of a preferred course of action within the reality you inhabit, should that reality be physical (3D) or psychological (4D).
When the pneumatic reality (5D) is reached, your choice determines which reality you will Create. In the fifth dimension, Creativity is maximized.
Creativity is the very nature of the 5D Self, the Spirit, therefore the only thing required in any 5D action.
In 5D, the reality you choose to Create must come from transcendental sources, not only from the ego. However, this is not a rule, but a simple fact. If the ego alone chooses which reality it wants to create, this so-called creation is merely 3D — some ego-only desire you deem lawful to attract. On the other hand, a 5D consciousness is a paradoxical coincidence between your consciousness and the unconscious mind. Any 5D Creation must, therefore, come from the whole paradox: the ego chooses among the realities available in the unconscious mind, both of them integrated in the pneumatic reality.
In 5D, you select which reality you choose to create among the Images you are able to see in the Macroimage. The easiest and safest way to guarantee that the chosen Image comes from a transcendental source is to select it from the part of the Macroimage you experience while sleeping — 5D dreams, or pneumata — because the ego is less likely to negatively interfere with them. But you can also choose Images coming from the part of the Macroimage you experience while awake, in everyday life. In this case, you should be more experienced in order to acknowledge when the Image perceived is indeed coming from a transcendental source.
When your 5D consciousness is experienced enough, you will see that all Images are transcendental, whether they are pneumata, or elements and people of daily life.
But how do you choose among the myriad of Images in the Macroimage?
The answer is astounding.
Having nothing else to guide its actions, the free choice will be made based solely on what makes Sense to the 5D ego. The perception of Sense is strictly Personal. The free fifth-dimensional choice will be made based strictly on Personal Sense.
CAVALHER. Paradigm of Sense. Sense. Page 167.
Yes. That’s it.
You choose based only on what makes Sense to you.
If any force other than Personal Sense forcefully determined your choice in any way, or pointed in any direction, Balance would no longer exist, because that force or direction would somehow prevail over others. It is a radical idea. But either there is Balance or not.
But what is Sense?
It is essential to understand that Sense is not meaning. Meaning is brought about by the symbol. Although it is consciously perceived, the source of meaning is strictly transcendental, coming from the unconscious mind, ultimately, from the 4D Self. Meaning is the fourth-dimensional energy that forcefully moves you towards a direction it defines. You have no choice.
Being an experience inherent to the fifth-dimensional consciousness, Sense is perceived as an effect of the paradoxical coincidence between consciousness and the unconscious [mind].
On the one hand, the Sense of free choice is derived from the unconscious mind. In Balance, the unconscious mind extends infinitely in all […] directions, i.e., the archetypes. Infinite influences and information […] flow from the archetypes and are brought into consciousness. Amidst the infinite nature of the unconscious mind, some of these influences and information deal with your 5D [consciousness] and its reality, showing ease and difficulty. Other influences and information deal with other people, of any dimension, and with their realities, showing your 5D [consciousness] the ease and difficulty that will happen to them. The infinite extent of the unconscious in all symbolic fourth-dimensional directions gives your 5D [consciousness] the opportunity to contemplate a huge complexity, a vast number of realities and possibilities of evolution in each of these realities. All this reaches your 5D [consciousness] through the integrated unconscious mind and can be accounted for and used.
On the other hand, the Sense of free choice is derived from consciousness — integrated into the unconscious — which in turn prefers to invest its energy in one thing instead of another and can clearly formulate what makes Sense for itself.
Sense is the strictly individual perception that a certain reality is preferred in relation to all others.
CAVALHER. Paradigm of Sense. Sense. Pages 167-168
Sense is apparently miniscule: it is about a strictly individual perception, one which establishes a strictly individual preference and is liable to being completely wrong. However, this perception and this preference will create whole new realities which will involve many people. It is disturbing that something so small and so individual can be so important amidst the colossal and overwhelming spiritual reality of the Universe.
But this is precisely the final aim of the Paradigm of Sense: the development of a Personal Sense. In face of that, the importance of the Human Being, of whatever they see Sense in, and their choices, appears inexpressible.
Such is the Paradigm of Sense. At some point, the process of consciousness development works, and a level of consciousness is reached so that you will need to learn to make choices for yourself, and Act with no Guarantees. This is only possible if you learn to guide yourself by what makes Sense to you.
At some point, it is necessary to reach freedom.
CAVALHER. Paradigm of Sense. Sense. Page 168