Prepare for a ride in the backstage of Reality
WHY is the Unconscious Mind important?
Unconscious Mind: The Author of Reality
The Unconscious Mind strongly influences your behaviors, attracts the people you interact with and creates the situations you experience. Do you want to passively watch things happening? Or do you want to master your own life?
Which RESULTS can be achieved?
Think the Unthinkable: Innovation de Facto
From the perspective of the Unconscious Mind, things you are unable to do, difficult relationships and negative situations — your problems — are unfinished attempts to develop new intelligences and new skills. See how problems can be transformed into super powers.
Consciousness Designer | Mind Hacker | Visionary Author | Illusions Destroyer
passionate about Transcending Limits

The ultimate guide on the Fifth Dimension
What is the Fifth Dimension?
The fifth dimension is a natural stage of consciousness development. At this stage, you become aware that what you experience as reality is in fact one version of reality among the full spectrum of possibilities you can perceive in 5D.
Instead of choosing what to do in the only reality you live in, you can select, among many, which reality you choose to create, based on what makes Sense to you and those around you.
The Paradigm of Sense cracks the code of the fifth-dimensional landscape. You learn how to access images in your psyche to create full grown realities for your life and the lives of those around you.
The Paradigm of Sense is a development of the Analytical Psychology, by Carl Jung. According to Jung, Alchemy describes three stages of consciousness development. He describes the first two: the union of the mind and the conjunction of all psychological opposites. He sets the stage for the third stage, but does not fully describe it. The Paradigm of Sense walks you through the first two stages — summarizing the key points in Analytical Psychology — and describes the third: Unus Mundus.
The Paradigm is also rooted in the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, Greek Mythology and Tibetan Buddhism. In the context of Kundalini Yoga, the Paradigm is an in-depth analyzes of the levels of consciousness of the third, fourth and fifth chakras.
“Consciousness is Act.”
9 reasons why this work is
the edge of consciousness
Everything is built on Images
The double meaning of the word dream is no coincidence. The dreams you have while sleeping are unique paths to create the life of your dreams. Use the images present in dreams to build full grown concrete realities.
Psychological algorithms
The unconscious mind and the fifth dimension are NOT subjetive things difficult to grasp. They can be mapped with precision in comprehensible algorithms. Know exactly what is going on and what to do. Optimize your life.
Change the behavior of life
“Changing your behavior” is common place. Instead, change the behavior of life towards you. Change the unconscious mind’s configuration and watch your life change accordingly: experience new opportunities, situations and relationships. Make your own luck.
Definitive change, no maintenance required
The situations in your life, your relationships and your behavior are rooted in the unconscious mind and in the fifth dimension. Most techniques produce temporary results because they cut the branches, the symptoms. Act on the root, the cause, and change forever.
Transcendence: beyond the ego
The right way to be, the right thing to do and the right mindset are predetermined “truths” designed to satisfy the ego. Go beyond this limited perspective: true Transcendence is within your dreams and is unique. Transcend yourself.
See for yourself
What's the point of understanding things rationally and not solving things? See the unconscious mind, the Archetypes, the fifth dimension and Transcendence for yourself and interact directly with them.
Problems can be achievements
Stuck in situations, relationships and you own behavior? These repetitions are messages from the unconscious mind. Understand them and turn problems into achievements.
Everything favors you: good and bad
Most techniques teach to benefit from the good and, at most, cope with the bad. Life is wiser than that: the bad is NOT something to be avoided, but to benefit from. Quit suffering and double your energy input.
Inclusion of the bad
Believing that life is or can be only good is an infantile utopia. Honest adults know that the bad is present, particularly in their careers and businesses. Life is not right nor wrong: it just is. Quit the denial and take full power action.
My work increases self-awareness. This is a key characteristic of top performers, innovators and executive leaders. This is also what companies with higher financial results and rates of return on stock look for in the professionals they hire. Above all, self-awareness is instrumental in creating a life that makes sense.
I can enable you to comprehend the mechanisms of your own consciousness and also those of your unconscious mind in a clear and precise way. This way, you can develop new intelligences, new abilities and unique gifts as well as eliminate blind spots.
Along with that, you can uncover and eliminate the conditioned thinking that always produces the results you are tired of. As a consequence, you can develop ways of thinking and ideas that are indeed new, and make way for innovation de facto. By achieving that, you will no longer need the standardized “innovation” solutions.
An increasing self-awareness which will be perceived by others and inspires their behavior. They will naturally seek your leadership.
Realize your full potential.