What does a Consciousness Designer do?
The human psychological structure is a system full of complexities.
Like every system, this structure has its own mechanisms and produces specific results.
However, someone who precisely masters the system’s language can optimize it or even rewrite it in order to make it more advanced and produce better and more concrete results. – That’s exactly what a Consciousness Designer does.
As a Consciousness Designer, I work with two systems: consciousness and the unconscious mind.
If you want to be a better, more capable and more advanced human being; if you want to be a better and more capable professional and enhance your performance; if you want to be the leader who will move your company to the next level, you need to develop your consciousness.
You choose with your consciousness.
You act with your consciousness.
You can only do what you know how to do.
Consciousness is knowing how to do things.
The world of working increasingly admits the immense importance of consciousness development.
90% of top performers are considered to be highly self-aware. (Forbes Magazine)
Developing consciousness is developing new abilities and achieving better results.
Developing yourself as a human being and as a professional is to develop new intelligences, of which the soft skills are good examples.
The World Economic Forum pointed out the 10 soft skills that will be most valued in 2020. Note that rational and technical knowledge are not among them: complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, negotiation and cognitive flexibility.
Developing soft skills is developing new intelligences, is developing consciousness.
The human psychological structure is not made of consciousness only. The biggest part of this structure is the unconscious mind. The unconscious is where the things you do not yet know remain until you get to know them.
Developing consciousness is also getting in touch with the unconscious mind.
But why should anyone get in touch with the unconscious mind, especially when someone has no therapeutic purposes? Why would an organization get in touch with the unconscious?
Because the unconscious is able to cause concrete phenomena in your life and in your company.
When you start to struggle with a repetitive problem but can’t find the cause, you are unconscious of the cause.
You attract always the same kind of people. – Your work mates always betray you. The boyfriends you attract are always arseholes.
You always attract the same kind of situation. – No matter how good you are as a professional, you always lose your job. You make money, but situations that force you to spend what you earned keep happening.
You always have the same kind of behavior, automatically. – Every time you are evaluated, you face anxiety crises. You can never reach high levels of self-esteem. You continuously feel inner emptiness.
You have two options.
1: You wait until life shows you where the problem is through experience. That can take months, years, decades. You can never figure it out. Who knows?
2: You access the unconscious mind directly and immediately uncovers the cause of the problem as well as a solution protocol.
You must have heard experienced people saying: “I wish I knew this 20 years ago… My life would have been completely different. I would have succeeded faster.”
As Consciousness Designer, I enable you to access the unconscious mind and develop now the consciousness you would normally take decades of life experience to develop.
Don’t wait until you become old to become wiser.
Be wise now.
But I saved the best for last.
The unconscious is not a bunch of problems and solutions only. That’s just the most superficial layer.
Have you ever heard people saying that we use only 6% of our intelligence? Well, that’s quite true.
94% of human intelligence are in the unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind is a completely different kind of intelligence, an intelligence free of your ego’s interference, or mine, and yet unknown and unused by most people.
The unconscious mind is a huge source of new intelligences and new abilities that you can develop.
Soft skills are just a few examples…
When we eliminate the repetitive problems that are in the most superficial layer of the unconscious mind, we immediately access creativity and make way for the companies’ most wanted asset: innovation.
It’s quite rare to find people who are really creative and able to make actual innovation. That’s not true when it comes to the unconscious mind… In the unconscious mind, creativity and innovation are the rule.