What does a Mind Hacker do?
Hackers are people who deeply know the computer’s systems and codes. They create extraordinary solutions and effects, that go far beyond the “regular” operation of these systems and codes.
Mind Hackers are people who deeply know the human psychological structure’s systems and codes. They create extraordinary solutions and effects, that go far beyond the “regular” operation of this structure.
As a Mind Hacker, I can precisely map two systems: consciousness and the unconscious mind. Based on this map, it is possible to optimize the system or even rewrite it in order to produce better and more concrete results.
That is exactly what I can do for you and your company.
This is an unusual idea though. The immense ignorance surrounding consciousness and the unconscious mind gave birth to two myths. We have been led to believe that psychological structures and dynamics have little impact on concrete results, especially when it comes to our professional lives or organizations.
The first myth we need to debunk is that the human psychological structure is a very imprecise and subjective thing, therefore impossible to define with precision. And, if someone can’t understand the mechanisms of this system with precision, they can’t interfere effectively.
This myth exists because people don’t know how the system works. It’s that simple.
In fact, consciousness and the unconscious mind work with the precision of an exact science.
Consciousness works in a relatively high level of precision. If you are conscious about something, you know how to do that thing.
If you know, you can do it. If you can’t do it, you lack consciousness. It’s that simple.
Developing consciousness has always been the highest goal of self-knowledge and spirituality. But now, the world of working and business also acknowledges that consciousness development is key to high performance and to better and bigger results in companies.
90% of top performers are highly self-aware. (Forbes Magazine)
Would you like to be within these 90%?
I have good news though! Your unconscious mind knows how to do what you don’t know. And you can learn with it.
The unconscious mind is a different kind of intelligence that exists inside each one of us. It is a gigantic source of new intelligences and abilities.
And yet, the unconscious mind operates with a level of precision much higher than that of consciousness – shockingly higher.
The precision is so high that Yuval HARARI, author of the best-sellers Sapiens and Homo Deus compares the human psychological structure to computers and psychological mechanisms to algorithms.
99% of our decisions – including the most important decisions of our lives – are made by the highly refined algorithms we call sensations, emotions and desires. (HARARI)
My role as a Mind Hacker is to precisely map the mechanisms of your consciousness and unconscious mind, creating mind maps clearly comprehensible to you.
But why would you want an exact map of your consciousness and unconscious mind? Would that benefit your personal growth? Would that enhance your performance? Would that improve the results of your company?
In order to answer such questions, it’s necessary to debunk another myth:
The disseminated belief that the unconscious is abstract, subjective, intangible. I’ll go straight to business:
The unconscious mind is a concrete thing, a tangible thing, a material thing.
The unconscious mind is material because it causes concrete things in your life. The unconscious builds the situations that happen in your life and in your company. The unconscious attracts people that are in your life and in your company. Once again, HARARI: The unconscious determines 99% of your decisions, including the most important ones.
If the unconscious mind determines almost everything that is happening materially in your life and in your company, knowing the exact map of its actions is absolutely fundamental. Without that you will remain literally unconscious of almost everything that is going on in your life.
But what’s the point of having the exact map of your consciousness, your unconscious mind and the concrete impact they have in your life? What are you actually going to do with that?
As a Mind Hacker, I enable you to optimize, make changes or even rewrite your conscious and unconscious systems through concrete actions you can do.
Since both consciousness and the unconscious mind have a direct impact over your material life, changing the system produces immediate and concrete changes in your life.
But how does that actually work?
The unconscious mind has basically two operation modes – both of them producing direct impacts in your material life.
One of these modes is repetitive.
When you do not dedicate yourself to consciousness development, the unconscious mind operates in the repetitive mode.
That happens because your unconscious mind must associate itself with your consciousness, your choices and your actions in order to produce development, creation and innovation.
Without your consciousness, the unconscious mind remains unconscious, operating automatically. That’s the repetitive mode. In the repetitive mode, the unconscious mind always causes the same life situations, attracts the same kind of people and forces you to behave in the same way.
So, if you can't stand to always deal with the same problem any longer…
If you can't stand to always deal with the same people any longer…
If you can't stand to behave the same way, feel the same emotions and think the same way any longer…
If you can't stand to watch your company fight ferociously for creativity and innovation just to not accomplishing that or not even knowing where to start any longer…
You need to find out what is going on in your unconscious mind.
It’s pointless to reach for professionals that try to teach you behaviors and practices that are considered to be the best, but come from outside yourself.
It’s pointless to reach for professionals that try to teach you the latest mindset, considered to be the best of all, but comes from outside yourself.
Trying to develop consciousness without considering the unconscious mind produces temporary results that will soon be abandoned.
The unconscious mind is way stronger than you are. You get tired of sustaining things, the unconscious doesn’t.
How many times have you dieted and achieved great results in the first weeks just to see it all fall apart?
How many therapies have you gone through just to go back to being who you had always been?
How many times have you hired consultants that made everyone in your company excited just to watch all those techniques being very soon forgotten? just to see people not even remembering what had been said?
Mind Hackers do not pay attention to consequences and symptoms only. Treating symptoms lead to temporary and disappointing results. Mind Hackers operate at the unconscious mind level because the unconscious cause the concrete situations that happen in your life and your company.
As a Mind Hacker, I enable you to operate directly on the cause of concrete situations, I enable you to rewrite the code of your life or your company. By rewriting the system, you change the results.
I have said to you that the unconscious mind operates basically in two modes. One of them is the repetitive mode. The other one is the creative mode.
The unconscious mind is naturally creative and innovative.
The unconscious becomes repetitive only when you remain stubborn and refuse to learn, when you don’t dedicate yourself to developing your consciousness. It repeats, repeats, repeats itself to force you to learn.
When you work hard and develop your consciousness, you learn. The intelligence of the unconscious mind immediately detects your learning, stops to repeat the lesson and moves on to the next level. That’s why those who develop consciousness quickly move forward whereas other people are always the same and keep complaining about life.
When the unconscious mind stops to operate in the repetition mode, it proves to be an endless source of new life situations, new types of people in your life, new intelligences and abilities in yourself. It proves to be an endless source of creativity and innovation for your company.
The reason why the unconscious mind is the source of everything that’s new, creative and innovative is quite obvious: Consciousness is everything you already know. The unconscious mind is everything you do not yet know.
Trying to get to a new consciousness, a new life, a great idea or an innovation from the knowledge you already possess will only take you to more and more repetition.
Isn’t that obvious?
Reaching for professionals that believe in solutions that fit everyone or bring the most recent mindset, another fad, that solves the problems of all the companies will only take you to another repetition, but one that comes from the outside. Is innovation imitating other people’s innovation?
As a Mind Hacker, I map your consciousness, your unconscious mind, the unconscious mind of your company. The work is 100% tailor-made. It is for you.
I map precisely the specific algorithm that is operating in you and your company. I also locate the exact point of the algorithm that is causing repetition in your life, the point that needs to be rewritten.
Rewriting the algorithm is not something I do based on what you already know, neither on what I, Cavalher, believe in. This way, we avoid the interference of your ego or mine.
The unconscious mind has an intelligence of its own.
As a Mind Hacker, I rewrite the system in accordance with the intelligence that flows from your unconscious mind.
Free from the repetition, the unconscious mind immediately starts to operate in the creative mode and new things start to happen.
As a Mind Hacker, I take your consciousness to the next level. New intelligences and abilities arise from within you.
I build unique gifts. Imagine the spiritual value of a unique gift. Imagine the market value of a unique gift.
I make room for you to have ideas that are in fact innovative. Your ideas.
I make room for innovative ideas to emerge in your company.
I make way for other kinds of people to arrive in your life.
As a Mind Hacker, I rewrite your psychological algorithms to make new situations happen in your life and to make your company reconfigure itself and accomplish bigger, better and more concrete results.
Your ability to develop a wider and more powerful consciousness as well as new intelligences and abilities is of utmost importance. This is one of my goals.
But the Mind Hacker’s excellency is to able to change the way life behaves towards yourself.